
3 Engaging Metrics To Encourage Customers To Share Their Preferences (

3 Engaging Metrics Encourage Customers Share Preferences

How do you know what your customers want? Is there a way to better understand their likes and dislikes? And how can you anticipate their needs if you don’t know their current problems?

These are just a few questions to consider regarding the importance of customer preferences. These preferences include everything from interests and hobbies to color and product selections to preferred communication and social platforms.

Knowing that a customer’s inclinations drive sales and having the right information can set you up for success. You should be able to distinguish yourself from any competitors.

Another reason why customer preference matters is because it can lead to guaranteed customer satisfaction. If you’re developing products and services with your target audience in mind, you’re in a better position to deliver consistent satisfaction.

This, in turn, will lead to an improved brand image and drive customer loyalty.

Of course, determining customer preferences can take a bit of work. It’s more than just guessing and assuming. It requires meeting consumers where they are and asking questions that disclose this information. With that in mind, here are three engaging ways to encourage customers to share their preferences.


1. Ask Consumers Directly

Loyal customers want to help brands succeed. After all, they are invested in the company and want to keep supporting it the best they can. While many brands may think they need to trick customers into providing them with their preferences, asking them directly can be the easiest way.

Within a piece of blog content or within an ad unit, ask a simple, direct question. Multiple-choice questions may be best, especially if you’re asking a this or that type of question. For example, “Do you prefer receiving email or text messages from us?” or “Are you an early bird or a night owl?” Users’ responses to these questions are known as zero party data, or information that customers share willingly. It’s privacy-safe because consumers are outrightly sharing it, making it very reliable as well.

Another avenue to ask customers directly is through an e-newsletter. Your most loyal, devoted customers are likely subscribers to your email list. Asking them a few questions in exchange for a special coupon code or promotion is a way to entice them to share.

Again, anything from brand perception to customer preferences to consideration or intent can be asked. Get creative with the way you phrase your questions, and you’ll draw attention and get answers.

2. Collect Valuable Data Via Giveaways

Pretty much everyone loves a prize. Giveaways are an appealing way to obtain brand loyalty, boost engagement, and enhance a brand’s image. This encourages a sense of community between followers and the brand.

They are also a way to collect consumer data and preferences while also giving them something in return.

When it comes to hosting a giveaway, make sure you have all your ducks in a row…

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