
AU Deals: The Hottest Halloween Discounts Available Right Now! (

City: Green Race Car

Well, I’m back from a short break to once more bring you a daily deluge of the best discounts in gaming. I’ve got three days worth of bargains to catch up on, and not a lot of time. So let’s skip the preamble and get to the gold!

In retro news, I’m celebrating the 21st birthday of The Simpsons: Hit & Run, the best-in-franchise (non-arcade) adventure ever made. I have very happy memories of playing this at launch and feeling delighted as my skepticism peeled away—because I’d played the patently awful Simpsons Wrestling and Road Rage. From then on, I experienced quality quips, fan-service Easter eggs, and a perfectly cromulent Springfield sandbox. One of this industry’s longest-running sins is that this was never remastered.

This Day in Gaming

The Curse of Monkey Island (PC) 1997.

SSX 3 (GC,PS2,XB) 2003. eBay

Crimson Skies (XB) 2003. eBay

– Simpsons: Hit & Run (GC,PS2,XB) 2003. eBay

F.E.A.R. (X360) 2006.

C&C: Red Alert 3 (PC) 2008. Get

Fallout 3 (PC,PS3,X360) 2008. Get

Assassin’s Creed III (PS3,X360) 2012. Get

Battlefield 4 (PC,PS3,X360) 2013. Get

A Fridge Too Far: The Video Game.

Table of Contents

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Tears is a top follow-up to one of the greatest games ever, somehow improving upon it in nearly every way – be that with simple quality-of-life improvements, a genuinely exciting story, or wildly creative new building mechanics that make you rethink.

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Or gift a Nintendo eShop Card.

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Dark Nightmares Bndl.

Dark Nightmares Bndl.

$7.47 for TDP: Man of Medan, Little Nightmares | $14.94 adds TDP: Little Hope, Little Nightmares – Secrets of The Maw Expansion Pass | $22.42 adds TDP: House of Ashes, Little Nightmares II – Deluxe Edition | $29.89 adds TDP: The Devil in Me.

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Or just get a Steam Wallet Card.

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X/S Controller

X/S Controller

Experience the modernised design of the Xbox Wireless Controller, featuring sculpted surfaces and refined geometry for enhanced comfort during gameplay.

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Or just invest in an Xbox Card.

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Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy

This open-world adventure captures all the excitement and wonder of the Wizarding World with its memorable new characters, challenging and nuanced combat, and a wonderfully executed Hogwarts student fantasy.

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Or purchase a PS Store Card.

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